Welcome to Vegvisits!
Nick & Linsey here, co-founders of Vegvisits. Welcome to the Vegvisits community! We believe this is the beginning of great things to come. The idea for Vegvisits was born from our journey around the U.S. We absolutely loved using Airbnb to travel, but just really wanted something like Vegvisits to exist, so we created it! We knew a lot of people in the vegan and vegetarian community felt the same way as well.
We’re both vegans and feel a pretty big connection to fellow vegans and vegetarians out there. Even though we don’t know too many, we always love it when we meet others. There’s not too many of us out there (compared to the size of the world’s population) and when you find one well, it’s just a cool feeling. It’s like coming across an old friend while you’re halfway around the world. But we definitely didn’t start this platform to be some exclusive club or anything like that. It just really helps knowing fellow vegans or vegetarians while you’re traveling, and admittedly, it is a bit more comforting when you’re staying with someone you don’t know too well or opening up your home, for them to have this in common with you.
Here is just the first step and we look forward to seeing it grow and evolve over time. We really hope Vegvisits will be a good thing for everyone. Here on our blog we’ll be posting general information about the community, as well as featured travelers, hosts and vegan businesses, so definitely check it out from time to time. This is our first post, and we’re both super excited for everything to come!