La Stella Nera, the 100% Italian vegan restaurant in Berlin

If you find your way to Europe, you may be surprised to find Berlin as one of the most vegan friendly cities in the world with 55 pure vegan restaurants on HappyCow. There seems to be this really awesome vibe amongst all of them, whether it’s a unique theme or their almost universal willingness to speak openly about their vegan ethos which unfortunately you don’t always see. As a 100% Italian vegan restaurant, La Stella Nera is definitely one worth exploring.
Ok, if you’re vegan and reading this, I’m not quite sure what else I have to say, I mean it is essentially an all-vegan pizzeria. It has the feel of a restaurant you kind of wish you’d find in Italy, or when you imagine Italian food in general. It celebrates the amazing fresh awesomeness of Italian culture and cuisine, without the grosser more unfortunate parts. The menu is what you might expect to find in any Italian restaurant: antipasto, bruschetta, salads, creamy or marinara pastas, calzones, and a whole array of super creative pizzas, the bulk of which have no vegan cheese and a hand-full with vegan cheese or home-made ricotta. The menu is filled with spinach, tomatoes, olives, oregano, rosemary, garlic, basil and grilled vegetables epitomizing the freshness of authentic Italian food.

The prices are super reasonable as well, with personal pizzas ranging from €5-12, pasta from €7-12 and bruschetta for around €5. Not the typical spoonful of oiled up vegetables on a huge plate for double the price. It being run by a group of clearly more ethical-minded vegans is a breath of fresh air as well. Their website speaks about the ethos of their place, the importance of animal liberation, our planet and their non-corporate culture. Good food and soul…
What’s even better is that we have 6 hosts in Berlin and the surrounding area (Click Here To View), all very reasonable too. The accommodations range from €15-100/night and look pretty awesome:

You may not be headed to Berlin any time soon, but at the very least check out La Stella Nera’s website here, perhaps for some recipe ideas!